
Alternate Title: Garbo Laughs!

1939 Best Picture Nominee


4 Nominations:

  1. Best Picture
  2. Best Actress – Greta Garbo as “Lena Yakushova (Ninotchka)”
  3. Best Writing (Original Story) – Melchior Lengyel
  4. Best Writing (Screenplay) – Charles Brackett, Billy Wilder & Walter Reisch

100 Words:
She laughs…eventually! Ninotchka that stoic envoy, she takes her seriousness the Serbian way…the Soviet way…the Russian way? When it comes to European geography, I’m afraid it’s all Greek to me. Leon sweeps the deadpan dame into his arms and has only a few challenges to woo her; she might be an enemy, but they are in Paris, after all and the stairs up to the top of the Eiffel Tower might slow down anyone inclined to fight against the pitter patter of palpitations or the wooziness brought on by bubbly libations. Even in her station, Ninotchka’s heart is a prize.

2 responses to “Ninotchka”

  1. Galen Humphrey Avatar

    pitter-patter palpitations ! I can’t WAIT to use that line…

    ps does chungababy have some derivation to ninotchka ? 🙂


  2. Suz Avatar

    I thought everyone knew that Garbo ‘wants to be alone’ but then, men always like challenges, especially if their heart is going pitter patter.

    Liked by 1 person

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